A program of The Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf and Clothing Closet, Inc.
The Greece Clothing Closet is located at:
500 Maiden Lane
Greece, NY 14616
The Greece Clothing Closet is a program of The Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf and Clothing Closet, Inc., a not-for-profit organization that is incorporated under the laws of the State of New York.
We provide Greece residents and the northwest quadrant of Rochester with the opportunity to shop for their family once per month at no cost to them. See our Clients page for details.
Our hours of operation are:
Tuesday 10:00am - 12:00 pm
Wednesday 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00am -11:00am
If we are going to be closed because of holiday or other reason, we will post a news article to alert you.
GCC is able to operate because of your donations. We need new and gently used clothes. Our limited budget welcomes your monetary donations. There are items we need in order to operate. See our Donations page for details.
You can contact us via email at: greececlothingcloset@gmail.com
Our website address is: http://greececlothingcloset.org
Phone number: 585-397-2192
10-Mar-2025 Spring and Summer Donations Now Being Accepted
A big thank you to all the individuals and groups in our community who have donated throughout the winter, but it's time to start thinking about warmer weather.
As of March 1st, we have started to transition to providing Spring and Summer clothing and are no longer excepting fall and winter adult sized items.
Because children's clothing is always in short supply, we accept donations of any items of child sized and teen clothing year round. We also accept blankets, towels, bedding, and new underwer and socks for both adults and children throughout the year.
When you donate, please use the recommended 13 gallon size bags to deliver your donations in. If it seems heavy to you, it's too heavy for us to easily manage. If you bring your donations in other types of containers, staff will be happy to help transfer them into the appropriate bags.
Greetings all! Cold weather has finally arrived and we have an assortment of winter jackets, hats, sweaters and sweats. We can always use more kids winter clothing, especially sizes 6-14. We are also looking for blankets, throws, and sheet sets. We're asking that all donations be placed in 13 gallon kitchen bags. Donations can be dropped off any time during open hours, which are Tuesday, 10-12, Wednesday 4-6, and Saturday 9-11.
If you do not have any childrens clothing but would like to make a monetary donation, please mail your check to the Greece Food Shelf and Clothing Closet, Inc, 500 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY. Please indicate your donation is for the kids clothing or Clothing Closet. Thanks
Please note that due to the Thanksgiving holiday, We will be closed Wednesday ( Nov 22,2023) and Saturday ( November 24, 2023).
As we say goodbye to summer and welcome in a new season. You should start seeing many new clothing items. At this time we will no longer accept Mens and Womens summer clothing. We will however accept any kids clothing no matter the season.
We are thankful to the Kiwanis Group of Greece and Assemblymen Josh Jensen for the backpacks and school supplies. We were also able to provide socks and underwear to our students due the generosity of the Family of Jim and Betty Pierce, St. Johns Parishioners and St Marks Parishionioners. On behalf of all our clients we are truly thankful.
31-Jul-2023 Volunteer Angels Back to School Month
Where has the summer gone? We will be hosting our Volunteer Angels Back to School Event from August 1-30. ( Tuesdays , Wednesdays, and Saturdays) This event is in memory of Betty Pierce, Pat Licota and Flossie Hill. These long time volunteers are still with us in spirit. They always were passionate in helping others. This years event we will distribute backpacks thanks to our friends from the Greece Kiwanis group and socks and underwear donated by St Marks Church and St John the Evangelist Church. We also received monetary donations from members of the Greece Community. Without this help, this event could not happen. THANK YOU!
We are in dire need of School Age Clothing. (Size 6-16) These items will help out with this event for the kids. Please drop of your donations any Tuesday, Wednesday or Saturday in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. If you wish to make a monetary donation, please make your check payable to the Greece Ecumenical Foodd Shelf and Clothing Closet, Inc. In the memo field indicate CC - childrens clothing,
Thank you all and enjoy the remainder of the summer.
We hope you are enjoying enjoying the summer. We are thankful for the constant suupply of summer clothing we receive from our generous donors. You have kept us going for the summer. Last month we serviced 107 families with a very nice clothing thanks to you all. We will continue to collect summer clothing until August. At that time we will switch over to fall and winter clothing. Please place your donations in the white kitchen bags so we can mark what is in the bags.
Our next projects we will be our Volunteer Angels Back to School Event during the month of August and the PJ drive in December. If you wish to contribute kids clothing for the Volunteer Angels Back to School Event, we are primarily looking for sizes 6-16. The PJ drive will be sizes 4-14. If you wish to make a monetary donation, please make checks payable to the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf and Clothing Closet, Inc. In the memo field indicate Clothing Closet or which event you would like to assist with.
Thank you again for your help!
Diane Kozakiewicz
Program Coordinator
31-May-2023 Hello Summer we missed you!
Summer is now upon us and we are happy to say we have a nice selecton of summer clothes. We are always looking for new underwear and socks for women and children. We have been blessed to receive some towel donations thanks to St Marks Church in Greece. There is a limited supply available for our clients. If you have towels that you can spare or full /queen sheets they are most welcome. We should continue to keep our donations drop off available until August. At that time we will halt those spring/summer as we transition to fall and winter. Thanks to all of you for your generous donations. Without your assistance we could not service those in Greece that need some help.
Diane Kozakiewicz
Program Coordinator
Hello Spring and beautiful weather. We certainly havae missed you. We now have spring and some summer clothing in the Clothing Closet. Thanks to our friends at Ridgemont Wegmans and St. Mark Church in Greece we have lots of new to you clothing already stocked in the store. If you have not refreshed your spring wardrobe, consider dropping of those items that you can no longer use to use. We will accept your spring/summer donations in the White 13 gallon kitchen bags when we are open. Our open hours are Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. For special arrangements you may call us at 585-397-2192. Thank you for thinking of us.
Hello Spring! I know it might now seem like it but its coming. We are starting to prepare for nice weather and lighter weight clothing. We will soon begin our transition from winter to spring. We will begin to accept spring/summer clothing beginning March 14, 2023. We will no longer be accepting fall/winter clothing until mid September. Items we could use are childrens clothing, sneakers, full/queen size sheet and bath towels. Please place your donations in the 13 gallon white kitchen trash bags. We have bags if you need them. They can be dropped off when we are open, Tuesday 10-12; Wednesday 4-6; and Saturday 9-11. If you would like to purchase childrens clothing for us, Kid to Kid used clothing store on Ridge Rd next to Sketchers is a great place to shop. We thank you all for your generosity this winter with jackets and blankets. We will again ask for your help with these items in September. As we say goodbye to the winter months we look forward to the beautiful blue skies, birds chirping and blooming gardens. God Bless You All !
Happy New Year to all! May the year 2023 bring you all good health, happiness , love and joy. We are here to help as best as we can. At this time we continue to have adult jackets and children's jackets. We also have blankets and some pajamas available. We will continue to be open Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. The Closet will continue to limit the number of clients in the store. We do appreciate your patience and umderstanding.
At this time we are accepting all season children's clothing, sheets and blankets. Unfortunately, we cannot accept any more adult winter clothing. Please save for the fall. We will accept spring and summer clothing in late March 2023. Watch our website for more details.
We would like to open up one more day, if you are interested in volunteering, please call Diane Kozakiewicz at 397-2192. The day we are looking at Mondays from 10-12. You must be able to work each Monday.
Thanks to all our wonderful donors last season. We cannot operate without your support.
Diane Kozakiewicz
Program Coordinator
17-Oct-2022 Desperately Seeking Children's Clothing
We have put out our winter clothing and appear to be in good shape for Mens and Womens clothing for the winter. Unfortunately, we are DESPARATELY in need of childrens clothing. The greater need is the kids clothing from Size 6-14. If you are able to assist us our families it would be greatly appreciated. If you wish to make a monetary donation for us to purchase items on your behalf, please make your check payable to the Greece Food Shelf and Clothing Closet Inc. In the memo field please note this is for childrens clothing. Your donation can be sent to Greece Food Shelf nd Clothing Closet, Inc., 500 Maiden Lane, Rochester NY 14616.
As always your generosity is appreciated
06-Oct-2022 Children Clothing Needed
Happy Fall to you. We are now accepting fall and winter clothing. We are in desparate need of childrens clothing sizes 6-16. Please spread the word for us Our school age children will appreciate it. We will begin to distribute winter jackets at the end of the month while the supply last. Its suppose to be a cold weather so we are expacting this will be a most rerquested item. If youy do not have any childrens clothing but would like to help, we will accept gift cards or monetary donations. Please make all checks out the the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf an Clothing Closet Inc. It is imperative that you indicate on the check that your donation is for childrens clothing. The check can be dropped off when we are open or mailed to 500 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14616.Thank you in advance for thinking of us.
30-Aug-2022 Special Thanks to Josh Jensen
Special thanks to Josh Jensen for bringing 25 more backpacks with additional supplies. This means if you have not gotten your backpacks yet for your school aged child, please stop by. In addition to the backpacks, we have new socks and underwear along with clothing to get you started with your back to school shopping. We appreciate all these donations.
We are now accepting fall and winter donations. Please remember to place them in the 13 gallon kitchen bags . Our hours for donations are:
Tuesday 10:00 am - 12 pm
Wednesday 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 11:00 am
If you are unable to come during these hours, please call us at 585-397-2192 to make special arrangements.
Lastly, we will be closed for Labor Day, Saturday, September 3, 2022.
24-Aug-2022 Getting Ready for Fall
We are nearing the end of summer and gearing up for the fall. Once again we will begin to accept fall donations beginning in September. All donations must be in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. Bags are available at the Clothing Closet if you do not have any. We can assist you in putting your fall and winter clothing in those bags for you. At this time our hours are Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. Unfortunately we cannot accept any donations outside this time period. If you cannot make those times be call 397-2192 and we can make some special arrangements for you.
We have had lots of requests for ladies nightwear. This is an area often overlooked. Please keep this in mind when cleaning out your closet for the fall. Our donation page has a list of items most needed. Thank you all for thinking of us.
31-Jul-2022 Volunteer Angels Back to School Event
Our Volunteer Angels Back to School Event starts Tuesday, August 2, 2022. We will have school supplies, socks and underwear and clothing for School Age Children while our supply lasts. Come in early to get the best selection!
At this time we are not accepting any Men's or Women's Summer Clothing. We will accept childrens clothing and bedding. We will reopen Mens and Womens in September for fall/winter clothing. If you have any questions, please contact us a 585-397-2192. All donations must dropped off Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. They must be brought in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. Sorry nothing left outside will be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support.
31-Jul-2022 Volunteer Angels Back to School Event
Our Volunteer Angels Back to School Event starts Tuesday, August 2, 2022. We will have school supplies, socks and underwear and clothing for School Age Children while our supply lasts. Come in early to get the best selection!
At this time we are not accepting any Men's or Women's Summer Clothing. We will accept childrens clothing and bedding. We will reopen Mens and Womens in September for fall/winter clothing. If you have any questions, please contact us a 585-397-2192. All donations must dropped off Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. They must be brought in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. Sorry nothing left outside will be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support.
31-Jul-2022 Volunteer Angels Back to School Event
Our Volunteer Angels Back to School Event starts Tuesday, August 2, 2022. We will have school supplies, socks and underwear and clothing for School Age Children while our supply lasts. Come in early to get the best selection!
At this time we are not accepting any Men's or Women's Summer Clothing. We will accept childrens clothing and bedding. We will reopen Mens and Womens in September for fall/winter clothing. If you have any questions, please contact us a 585-397-2192. All donations must dropped off Tuesday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. They must be brought in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. Sorry nothing left outside will be accepted.
Thank you for your continued support.
We pray you all had a safe and happy 4th of July!. We have been blessed with many beautiful days and we a truly thankful for all those sunny days. We are gearing up for our Volunteer Angels Back to School Event the month of August. This event will offer school supplies as well as clothing to all our school age children. Come in early in August for the best selection.
We are no longer accepting summer laldies and mens clothing. We will continue to accept children's clothing sizes 5T to 16 any season. As always we will be accepting bedding. We will start accepting fall and winter in September. We appreciate your help with your generousity. Enjoy the summer !
As the school year winds down we are already preparing for our Volunteer Angels Back to School Shopping Event. This event will take place during the month of August. We are stocking up to provide our clients with clothing and school supplies this year. We are in need of school age clothing for children, sizes 6-16. Please bring your school age children's clothing to the Clothing Closet while we are open. Please let our staff know this is for our back to school event.As always we thank you for your generous donations. We could not do our work without your support.
26-May-2022 Closed Saturday, May 28, 2022
Just a reminder, we will be closed Saturday, May 28, 2022 for Memorial Day. We will reopen on Tuesday, May 31, 2022 at 10:00 am. Have a safe and happy holiday weekend.
Welcome to the beautiful month of May. Its such a great time to live in Rohester. Beauty surrounds us this time of year with the new blooms and sunny days. We are open to help with spring and summer clothing. Our hours going forward will be:
Tuesday : 10:00 am - 12:00 pm
Wednesday: 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am - 11:00 am
You are welcome to come inside one person at a time to shop for yourself. Their may be limits on number of outfits depending on supply. We are also accepting spring and summer clothing only at this time. Your donations can be accepted while we are open only. They should be placed in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. If you do not have one, we will provide same. Please call us at 585-397-2192 for any questions.
Wishing everyone a safe Memorial Day Weekend! Thank you all for all you day!
31-Mar-2022 April Temporary Hours
Hello Springtime! We have missed you. We now have our springtime clothing up and ready to go inside the Clothing Closet. We are happy to welcome you back inside the closet still one person at a time. We will continue to require all persons inside the Clothing Closet where a mask. We appreciate your honoring our request. We are continuing to accept spring and summer clothing especially childrens clothing . We are looking for ways to increase our volunteer base. If you are interested please call us at 585-397-2192 or email me at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com. At this time we will be adjusting our hours for the month of April. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. Also, we hope to reopen Thursdays, in May .
The April hours will be as follows:
Tuesday: 10 -12
Wednesday 4-6
Thursday CLOSED (due to no volunteers)
Saturday 9-11
05-Mar-2022 Spring and Summer Donations are now accepted.
We are now accepting spring and summer donations! All donations must be placed in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. They must be dropped off when we are open. Sorry we cannot accept any donations left outside. There is a big need for childrens clothing especially sizes 6-14. We will need to limit the amount of ladies clothing to 3 bags per donation. We simply do not have the storage for extra ladies clothing.
Items needed
Children's Clothing
Mens summer Clothing
Ladies Summer Clothing
Sheets, especially Queen and King Size
New Underwear and Socks only
Flip Flops
Gift Cards to Walmart or Target
Not Needed at this time
Household Items
Toys and Books
We are once again allowing clients to come in and shop one person at a time. Soon we will let two persons in together. Children will be allowed as the second person providing the remain with their parent/guardian. All persons inside the Clothing Closet will need to where a mask. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to me at either
greececlothingcloset@gmail.com or 585-397-2192. Thanks for your generosity and patience.
Diane Kozakiewicz
Program Coordinator
13-Feb-2022 Thank You Greece Rotary
Special thanks to the Greece Rotary for the blankets they have donated to keep you warm for the remainder of the winter. If you have not yet received one, please stop by. We will finish of the month of February with our winter supply. We will be start accepting spring clothing beginning March 15th. We appreciate your patience with our limiting clothing to whats in season. All donations must be placed in the 13 gallon white kitchen bags. If you do not have any we will be happy to provided them to you. Due to our limited space, we can only accept 3 bags of ladies clothing per visit. No limits on kids, mens and bedding. Thanks again for your patience.
02-Feb-2022 Closed Thursday, February 3, 2022
We will be closed on Thursday, February 3, 2022. We will reopen on Saturday, February 5, 2022 at 9:00am
21-Jan-2022 Closed Saturday, January 22, 2022
Due to the cold weather and safety of our volunteers, we will be closed on Saturday, January 22, 2022. We will reopen on Tuesday, January 25, 2022 at 10:00am. Thank you for understanding.
We have stopped accepting Winter Donations for men and women for the season. We will continue to accept childrens clothing and Queen and King size bedding at this time. Please place those donations in the white 13 gallon kitchen bags. Please save your spring and summer items until we open up donations again. That should be late March. Watch here for further updates. All donations are accepted only on the days we are open. Please do not leave any items outside.
Reminder, we will be closed on Saturday, January 15, 2022.
The Greece Clothing Closet will be closed for the Christmas and New Years as shown below:
Christmas: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 thru Saturday,
December 25, 2021
New Year: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 thru Saturday,
January 1, 2022
If there is anything else we can do for you and your family, please reach out to us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com or call 585-397-2192.
As we busy ourselves and family for the holidays, let us be thankful for all we have been blessed to share with others.
We now have our winter apparrel in and ready to distribute to all. Beginning November 30, 2021 we will be distributing our Christmas Pajamas while supplies last.
We will be closed for the holidays as shown below:
Thanksgiving: Wednesday, November 24, 2021 thru Saturday,
November 27, 2021
Christmas: Wednesday, December 22, 2021 thru Saturday,
December 25, 2021
New Year: Wednesday, December 29, 2021 thru Saturday,
January 1, 2022
We wish you and your family a very Happy Thanksgiving. If there is anything else we can do for you and your family, please reach out to us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com or call 585-397-2192.
Happy Fall to you all. The colors are late in coming, but they will change. We are now open for in person shopping one client at a time. We have been collecting fall and winter clothing and they are now available for you. We still could use children snow boots, and girls winter jackets. If you can help please feel free to drop off your donations while we are open. All donations must be in the 13 gal white trash bags. Our open hours are Tuesday and Thursday 10-12, Wednesday 4-6 and Saurday 9-11. Thank you for your continued support.
Fall is finallly here. We have now started to collect fall and winter clothing. We will only accept donations on dates we are open. We request you do not leave them outside the doors, they will unfortuanately need to be discarded. Please bring your donations while we are open on the following days:
Tuesday: 10:00 am - 12:00pm
Wednesday 4:00 pm- 6:00pm
Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00pm
Saturday 9:00 am - 11:00 am
All donations must be placed in white 13 gallon kitchen trash bags. Remember we can only accept fall and winter clothing, boots or sneakers, bedding and sheets at this time. We appreciate your patience. Due to the large donations of womens clothing, we can only accept 2 bags per donor. We understand your willingness to help us at this time but have limited space for ladies clothing. We will accept more 2 bags of childrens clothing especially boys, men and bedding.
We are now inviting you to shop in the store one person at a time. Sorry we cannot allow children in the store, we will shop for you. Any questions, please reach out to our Program Coordinator, Diane Kozakiewicz at 397-2192.
15-Aug-2021 Betty Pierce Backpack Event
Our first annual Betty Pierce Backpack Event will be held Thursday , August 19, 2021 from 4:00pm - 7:00pm. If you have registered for this event please come between those hours. If you have not registered, you are welcome to come between 6:00 and 7:00 pm as long as our supply holds.
This special event is in memory of our very own Betty Pierce a former teacher at St. Johns in Greece and a Clothing Closet volunteer. This was a very exciting time of the year for Betty.
This event is possible because of the Pierce Family, Greece Kwanis Club, St. Charles Borromeo Church, John Knox Church and many folks in the Greece Community.
11-Aug-2021 CLOSED THURSDAY, AUGUST 12, 2021
Unfortunately, we will be closed on Thursday, August 12, 2021 due to no staff. We will be open on Friday, August 13, 2021 from 10-12. At this time we are only accepting bedding donations. We are closing out the summer. Check back for when we plan to have new clothing for all.
We are hosting our first annual Betty Pierce Backpack Event on Thursday, August 19, 2021 from 4-7 pm. Any kindergartners thru grade 8 in the Greece Charlotte Area are welcome to participate. Please send the following information to us via email to register your child's spot. We have a limited supply so don't miss out on this event. We will need: Name of Family, Address, Phone, Email Address. Then add each child living in your household along with their grade. Send your email request to Greececlothingcloset@gmail.com. A confirmation of your registration will be sent to your email.
18-Jul-2021 New Backpacks Needed
We are looking for approximately 25 more NEW backpacks for our Back to School Event to be held on August 19th. The Betty Pierce Back to School Event will provide new filled backpacks to our students on August 19th. You can help be donating a new backpack, Target or Walmart Gift Card. Of course monetary donations are accepted too. If you wish to make monetary donation, please make your check payable to the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf and Clothing Closet, Inc. In the memo field mention this is for the Betty Pierce Backpac event. All donations must be received no later than August 11, 20212.Thank you for your donations for this event.
25-Jun-2021 Schools Out Summer is Here
Congratuations to all students and parents for making it thru this difficult school year. A special congratuations to our Class of 2021 graduates. We wish you all the best and continued success.
We have been working hard trying to transition to having clients shop in the store. At this time we have been testing limited shopping inside the Clothing Closet. Begininning in July, we are testing out our hybrid model for in person shopping. Thursday morning 10-12 and Saturday 9-11. Please note we can only have one person shopping at a time and for a limit of 10 minutes. All shoppers inside the store must wear a mask. If you like we can continue shop for you as we have been doing. Our store is completely organized for your shopping trip and will make it easier to shop. We will continue to shop for you Tuesday and Friday 10-12 and Wednesday 4-6.
We are still in need of Boys clothing especially size 3 and 4. We also are in need of Queen size sheets, blankets and bath towels. Plans are in the works for are Back to School Event which we will on August 19th and our Christmas Boutique to be held in December. All clients with email addresses will be receiving an email regarding how to register to these events. More details will follow for both these events.
Thank you all for your patience and God Bless
Welcome to the month of June. We have all our summer items out and are ready to serve our clients. The first week of June the Town of Greece will be redoing our parking lot. As a result, we will be closed until June 8th. We are so excited to be planning our opening for in shopping clients. With so many vaccinated we are now thinking we may be time to revisit in person shopping in a safe way for our clients. Once we have finished our plans we will post them here and email our clients. We thank you for all your support and loo forward to serving you in the future.
We are now accepting spring donations! Please bring your spring donations in white 13 gallon kitchen bags to the Clothing Closet when we are open. Our hours are as follows: Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 10-12; Wednesday 4-6 and Saturday 9-11. There will be a two bags limit on ladies items! Please note that we cannot accept items that are left outside, they must be dropped off while we are open.
We are still operating our store with the aid of our curbside shopping assistants. We appreciate your understanding and patience. We are thankful for all of you and will do our best to continue providing our services to you during the above hours. If you have an interest in becoming a shopper assistant, please email us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com.
Stay healthy and happy!
31-Mar-2021 Closed Friday and Saturday this Week
Happy Easter to all! We will be closed on Friday and Saturday this week. Beginning next Tuesday April 6th, we will be accepting spring clothing for all. Limit of two bags of womens clothing per car. Please remember all donations must be placed in the 13 gallon white trash bags. We will accept sneakers. All donations must be dropped off during open hours.
Tuesday 10-12
Wednesday 4-6
Thursday 10-12
Friday 10-12
Saturday 9-11
Thank you and have a blessed and safe Easter!
08-Mar-2021 Alas Spring is Here!
It certainly does seem like spring today. Looking around you can see the spring bulbs popping thru. Daylight savings time is Sunday! We will start to accept Spring Clothing beginning the week of April 6th. We will be accepting spring clothing and sneakers at that time. Please place your donations in the 13 gallon kitchen bags and deliver when we are open. Sorry we cannot accept any donations that are left outside. For a complete list of acceptable items, please check our donation page. If you wish to make a monetary donation, please remember to place in the memo field clothing closet donation. Thanks for your continued support.
02-Feb-2021 Happy Ground Hog Day! & Donation Update
As I write this update, Punxsutawney Phil has seen his shadow so 6 more weeks of winter. Despite winter not being too bad so far, I am looking forward to the beautiful days of springtime. At this time we will no longer accept any Winter Donations at all. The only donations we can accept are men's and womens winter socks and Queen and King size bedding. We will resume spring clothing donations in the the future. Watch here for further updates.We are very appreciative of all your support for the past year and look forward to continuing to service the Greece and Northwest Quadrant of Charlotte.
Happy New Year and Welcome 2021! This certainly has been an interesting year for all of us. We are very happy to announce we are going to be open more to service our clients. Unfortunately, we will not have clients in the store but our shopping assistants will be happy to shop for you.
Our new shopping hours will be Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 10-12, Wednesday afternoon 4-6 and Saturday morning 9-11. Donations of WINTER CLOTHING for children, men and women will be accepted in the white 13 gallon kitchen bags at this time. We will accept ONE bag of any of the above at this time. We will also accept sheets and blankets, full, queen and king size only. You may drop off your donation anytime we are open except Saturday. NO donations will be accepted on Saturday morning.
We look forward to serving you all again this year. Stay safe and healthy
It has been a busy December so far. Please note we will be closed December 24 &25 and December 31 & January 1. Thanks to the Greece Rotary and Oddyssey Academy Interact Group, we have received more jackets and pajamas. If you have not received your pjs and jacket yet, please feel free to stop by. We are grateful for all the wonderful donations we have received this year. We have been able to service so many of you during these trying times. Although your shopping experience was somewhat different this year we appreciate your patience and understanding.
We are looking to be available more in the next year but we will continue to do the shopping for you. Watch this website for more details. Thank you all again, wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
We have been working along side of the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf since June. If you are in need of food, please contact the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf at 585-683-9674. They will handle your food needs. If you are need of clothing please reach out to us at 585-397-2192.
We will continue to accept all childrens winter clothing until the end of December. Unfortunately, we can only accept 1 bag of mens and 1 bag of womens clothing at this time. Maximum limit per donation will be 3 bags. Thanks for understanding. We have run out of space.
We are distributing childrens pjs and jackets are this time. We have a small number of winter boots for kids. Also, thanks to Linus Project for their donations of Blankets. For more information on this project check out their link.
For last minute financial donations, please send to us at
Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet
500 Maiden Lane
Rochester, NY 14616
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.
Thank you for responding to our request for kids winter clothing. We appreciate all your assistance. If you still wish to donate childrens clothing we are in need of size 10-16 . We have seen an increase in request for clothing especially older children. Our current supply is limited.
This has been a very challenging year for many. It is our hope and prayer that we will soon see a viable vaccine for all. Please keep safe and pray for those struggling at this time.
Merry Christmas to all!
Thanks to many individuals, The Town of Greece, Greece Rotary, Dorcas Group, Genesee Regional Bank and Oddyssey Academy Interact Group we have a nice assortment of Christmas Pajamas. We will begin to distribute to families on Tuesday, December 1, 2020. We will also have some winter jackets, hats and gloves. Also our winter clothing for children has been replenished. We will be open Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 am to 12:00pm and Wednesday 4-6 pm.
We will continue to accept Winter Clothing for the next couple of weeks. We are limiting one 13 gallon kitchen gallon size bag for mens and womens clothing. Childrens Winter clothing should be placed in a 13 gallon bag, 3 bag limt. Please note we cannot accept spring and summer clothing at this time. Please store for us until a later date.
As always, monetary donetions are gratefully accepted. Your financial donations should be made payable to
Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet, 500 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14616.
We wish you all a safe, healthy and Merry Christmas!
Thank you for all the generous donations to our request for fall and winter clothing. We could still use little boys clothing sizes 3-8. We appreciate everyones generosity responding to our needs.
We will be limiting regular men and womens donation to one 13 gallon bag. We will accept up to three 13 gallon bags of PLUS size clothing for both men and women. All must be fall and winter donations.
As we move into the cold and wintry months you may see a few changes. We may ask you to pull up to infront of the door and place you order when you arrive by phone. Should this happen our outside sign will have this the number to call. This with help our volunteers from walking in and out of the parking lot during the nasty days. Upon arrival you will be asked to dial our number and we will collect the information needed to put your order together. Once complete they will place your order outside the front door.
Also, we are going to insist on all clients wear face mask when interacting with our volunteers. If you do not have a mask we will provide you with one. We will continue to have our client show ids then when it comes to the sizing we will remain 6 ft away from the car. We appreciate everyone patience with us and pray that as the COVID 19 number increase in our area we all remain healthy and safe.
We appreciate the generosity of all those who have provided us with their fall and winter clothing. At this point we desperately need fall and winter childrens clothing (size 0-8). Friends would you help us out? Would you ask your family and friends if they have any childrens fall and winter clothing?. We have more than enough womens and men, but need kids. Would you help us? Thanks in advance for your assistance.
14-Oct-2020 Toddler Clothes Desperately News
We are in dire new of childrens toddler sizes 2-5 clothing. Can you please help us? Thank You !
07-Oct-2020 Cooler and Colorful Days
October is bringing us cooler temperature and a burst of color in our neighborhoods. We all know whats up next. We are preparing for the cooler temperatures and upcoming holidays. Last year we had our 1st Annual Christmas Boutique. It was our intent to continue that event again this year BUT the pandemic hit. At this time we will not have the event that we planned but will continue our Gift of Bedtime Reading Program. We hope to have some warm and fuzzy footie pajamas that will be distributed in December. In order to do this event, once again I am asking for your help. We will need NEW winter pajamas in size 2-16. They should be dropped off in the 13 gallon kitchen bag marked Christmas PJS on the outside. We will begin collecting these on Tuesday, October 13, 2020 until Thursday, November 12, 2020. If you wish to make a financial donation instead of the PJ's, simply make your check payable to the Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet, mark pjs in the memo field and we will purchase for you. Your check can be sent to:
Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet
500 Maiden Lane
Rochester, NY 14616
Thank you for your continued support and we trust you all remain safe and healthy!
21-Sep-2020 Fall is in the Air
Fall is in the air! Thanks to all who have donated Fall and Winter Clothing. We have moved out our summer clothing and are filling our shelves with a new supply of fall and winter clothing. We have begun to see an increase in our clients. We are now open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and Wednesday 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Donations are accepted Tuesday and Thursday 10:00 am - 12:00pm and Wednesday 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. We also are able to take phone orders for you. Simply call 585-397-2192 , we will take your order and have your order ready when you arrive.
15-Sep-2020 Thank you for all fall/winter donations
Thanks to everyone for dropping off their fall and winter clothing. We are especially in need of larger mens and womens plus size clothing. Your donations must be inside a white or clear 13 gallon size kitchen bag. Please do not leave on your hangers. We are seeing an increase in our client base once again and are happy to serve everyone. We plan to serve you curbside for the unforseeable future. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Stay healthy and safe.
26-Aug-2020 Now Accepting Fall and Winter Clothing
We are now accepting Fall and Winter Clothing. All donations, must be placed in a 13 gallon ( kitchen bag), white or clear. We cannot accept shoes, purses, toys, books, small household items. Please refer to our donation page for a complete listing of all donations. We ask that you do not leave any donations outside. We can only accept donations on Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday when we are open. If those hours are not convenient for you call us and we will try to make other arrangements for you. Thanks you for your generosity, without your help we could not do the job we need to do. Gold Bless you and your family.
13-Aug-2020 Fall & Winter Donations being accepted 8-25-2020
Beginning Tuesday, August 25, we will be collecting fall and winter clothing for children, women and men . We will also accept bedding at this time. Sorry no shoes, purses, books, toys are being accepted at this time. We ask that you place your donations in the 13 gallon kitchen trash bags. Collection days will be only during our shopping hours on Tuesday and Thursday 10-12 and Wednesday 4-6. Any questions, please contact us at 585-397-2192 or email us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com.
As we turn the month on the calendar, we hope you are enjoying a wonderful summer so far. We are now open on Saturdays once again!. Our new temporary hours are:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
Wednesday 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
We have a small supply of school supplies which we will distribute beginning August 15, 2020 until the supply runs out. Please feel free to call us at 397-2192 to reguest having your order ready when you arrive. At the end of August, we will begin to accept FALL and WINTER clothing for Men , Women and Children. No shoes or purses please. Your donations should be placed in a 13 gallon White or Clear Kitchen Bags and dropped off on the above mentioned dates and times. Please do not leave any donations outside the shed or the Clothing Clothing door. Thank you all for your patience.
22-Jul-2020 Beginning August 4, 2020
We are happy to see our old and new clients back at the Clothing Closet. We understand it has been difficult for everyone and we appreciate your patience. We have been working hard to find the best time for all clients to have us shop for you. Beginning August 4, 2020 our new temporary hours will be:
Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning 10:00 am to 12:00pm
Wednesday afternoon 4:00pm to 6:00 pm
We are still trying to find the best solution that we provide the best support for all our clients. At this time we are still limited to our volunteers doing the shopping for you. Try us out, you might like it!
Due to the limited space we have and your generosity we are holding off on any more donations until late August. We will be accepting fall and winter clothing and bedding at that time. We appreciate your storing them in your homes for us. Thanks for all your help.
We will now be open on Tuesday, 10:00am - 12:00pm, Wednesday 9:00am - 11:00am, Wednesday 4:00pm-6:00pm and Thursday, 9:00 am to 11:00am. Please take advantage of our call in your order to be picked up curbside. The phone number is 397-2192. Have a safe and healthy day!
08-Jul-2020 Place your order over the phone
We certainly have been waiting for this beautiful summer weather! We are now offering to have you call in or email your order to us. Call us at 397-2192 and we will gather your information over the phone and have your order ready with no wait for you. If you wish to email us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com, we can gather your information electronically. We are now open Tuesday morning 10-12, Wednesday 9-11 and 4-6 and Thursday 9-11. Any questions please call us.
26-Jun-2020 Thank you for your generosity
Thank you all for your patience and generosity to the Clothing Closet as we reopen. Things are very different in many ways for us. We appreciate all of the donations we have received and it certainly has helped with our reopening. At this time, we are limiting our donations to bedding, linens and children's summer clothing. We hope you will understand. As more and more people come back to shop with us we will be able to refresh our inventory more frequently. Thanks again.
25-Jun-2020 Place an order clothing and we will have ready
We are now offering to have to place an order for your clothing via phone or email to us. We will have ready by 10:00 am on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday morning. All you need do is email us at Greececlothingcloset@gmail.com .Please provide us with your name, address, phone and email address. Next we will need the number of people in your family. Last we will need the sizes for each person in your family. Ex:
Mary Smith
123 Main St, Rochester, NY 14612
Boy, size 6
Girl , size 10
Mom, Size 10 pants, shorts medium tops
Dad, Size 34 pants, medium shirts
Let us know which Day you wish to pick up your clothing.
You may also all us with the about information at 585-397-2192
20-Jun-2020 Open for Curbside Shopping
We have completed our second week of curbside shopping. Thank you clients and volunteers for your patience and understanding as we continue to help out with your clothing needs. We understand you all would like to come in and do your own shopping but unfortunately that is not an option. We have no idea when we will be able to invite you in but when it does we will be certain to let everyone know by email.
At this time we are only open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9-11am. Once we have some more volunteers we will be open Monday and Tuesday from 4-6pm. We ask that we you arrive at the clothing closet, please have your id with your address ready as we will need this to check you in. You will be asked to place your id up against the closed window and we will gather the information we need. Then, we will step back, let you know to roll down your window so we can ask about your phone number, email address, number of people in your family. Lastly, we will ask what you will need and the sizes you need. Please know all sizes may not be available at the time of your visit. Once we have gathered the information on your preferences we will shop for you. If your selections are not the right size please pass on to someone else. We cannot accept returns at this time. We no longer have toys, books, videos, small household items. We do have ladies, mens and childrens clothing. We are also receiving lots of bedding and towels. Thank you again and stay healthy!
We are now open Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9:00 am to 11:00 am for your curbside shopping. We are accepting donations are this time too. Thank you all for your generous clothing and linens donations. We appreciate all of you seperating our kids , ladies, mens and linens in the white kitchen bags. This is so helpful as we are trying to restock the most needed items first. We can't thank you enough for those who came this week. We understand this has been hard on everyone. Please come back and let us shop again for you this month. We are not restricting anyone to one trip this month. We have more items now than we did last week. Please note we cannot accept any donations that are left outside. All of our donations must be placed into our quarantine shed. If the hours do not work for you, PLEASE CALL US AT 397-2192 and we can meet you at the shed. So grateful for all of you.
05-Jun-2020 Food Shelf has a refrigerator to give away
The Greece Ecumenical Fold Shelf has a working refrigerator to give away. If you are interested in picking this free refrigerator up please email gefoodshelf@gmail.com.
05-Jun-2020 Donations being accepted
We are now accepting clothing and bedding on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9-11. Please place your donations in a clear or white bag (13gallon kitchen bag). If you would write on the outside what is in the bag such as childrens clothing that would be helpful. Please call 585-397-2192 if you have any questions. Thank you for support.
03-Jun-2020 Open for Curbside Shopping 6-10-2020
We are finally ready to serve you once again! We will be open on Wednesday, June 10th, Thursday, June 11th and Friday, June 12th. for curbside shopping. Our hours will be 9:00 am - 11:00 am. We ask you come prepared with your id. When you arrive, please remain in your car and one of our volunteers will come to you. They will ask you roll up your drivers window and show your id. Once our volunteer checks you in she will get your the sizes you are looking for. We will then get the items in your size and return your bag to your car. Please have your trunk open for her to put the bag in your car. At this time we are building our summer inventory and some items will be limited. Due to the reason you make come back again in a couple of weeks to see if we may have anymore items. We do appreciate your patience.
02-Jun-2020 Test Opening Wednesday 06-03-2020
We will be testing the reopening of the Clothing Closet on Wednesday 06-03-2020. We are training our volunteers and welcome anyone to participate in receiving some clothing. Should you wish to participate please arrive between 10:30 and 11:30 am. We ask you bring your ID and remain in your car. We will approach you. We hope to re-open next week. Times and dates will be posted here. As we work toward being back to a new normal we appreciate your patience and understanding with us. We hope to see you all happy, safe and healthy soon.
02-Jun-2020 Childrens Summer Clothes Needed
We are in desparate need of childrens summer clothing. If you can assist us, please give us a call as to what you have and we can make arrangements to meet you at the clothing closet. All donations should be placed in large white or clear plastic bags. Please indicate on the outside of the bag(s) what is in it. Any questions, please feel free to contact us at 397-2192. Thank in advance for your assistance.
27-May-2020 Almost Ready to Reopen
We are almost ready to reopen . Our Shopping Assistants will receive their training next week. Once this is complete we will reopen the following week. At that time we will begin to accept donations while we are open. Dates and times may vary. At this time we are asking for bedding and clothing items only. These items will need to be quarantined prior to going into the Clothing Closet. All donations must be place in a 13 gallon size bag ( large kitchen storage bag ). We will be posting our official reopen date next week. Remember, this will be curbside shopping by our Shopping Assistants only. At this time no one will be allowed inside the Clothing Closet to shop. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
18-May-2020 Clients needed to test curbside shopping
We are looking for clients to test out our curbside shopping. Please call us 397-2192 or email us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com. Thanks for your help!
15-May-2020 Re-opening Curbside Soon
It has been a while since we have seen you all last. We are in the process of getting ready to serve you curbside very soon. The world is changing everything we do . Our primary function to stay safe and healthy. We need to remembe rto wash our hands frequently, wear a face mask and social distance. At this time with the safety of everyone, volunteers and clients, we feel at this it is necessary to shop differently at the Clothing Closet. We will modify our days for shopping and the way we will accept donations. We will be posting a shopping list for you to select the items you need, and a volunteer will do the shopping for you. We understand this might be difficult for you but we are hopeful this temporary measure will help for the time being. At this time we are looking for a few current clients who would like to test this out. If you are interested in being part of this test, please call Diane Kozakiewicz at 397-2192 or email us at greececlothingcloset@gmail.com.
05-May-2020 Emergency Clothing
Welcome to the month of May! Nature is in all its beauty at this time, take time to enjoy it! We are working on a reopening plan as we speak. We will keep you posted with when this will occur. In the meantime, if you have an emergency such as: fire, flood, new child in the household please do not hesitate to call us at
585-397-2192 and we will do our best to assist you . If you are saving anything for us, at this time we are only accepting clothing and linens. We especially need childrens summer clothing at time. Please store in large kitchen bags at this point and watch for donation openings.
28-Apr-2020 Food Drive for the Food Shelf
Our sister organization is holding a food drive on May 7, 2020 from 10am - 2pm at at the Greece Town Hall located at 1 Vince Tofany Blvd, Greece, NY. This is a Drive In and Drop off Food Collection. We ask all donors to maintain 6 foot social distance and wear a mask. Items needed are pasta sauce, dry pasta, canned fruits and vegetables, chunky soup, canned tuna , canned chicken, rice, instant potatoes, cold ceral, shelf stable milk. All of these items should be regular sizes. Thank you in advance for your assistance.
With regards, to the Clothing Closet we are still closed. We are anxious to serve you soon. We are awaiting word from when our business can reopen. Please remember to save your donations of clothing and linens at your home. We will definitely need them once we reopen. At this time we are accepting financial donations Please send your checks made payable to the Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet, 500 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14616. Thanks you all and stay Healthy!
14-Apr-2020 De-Stress the Mess
We pray you had a Blessed Easter. We are all anxiously awaiting for the stay on pause to relax and once again we will be able to serve you all. Many of us have been cleaning and reorganizing. The CDC has advised that the coronvirus may be viable from hours to days on surfaces which also includes clothings. So, as we declutter and reorganize our closets, please save your clean clothing and linens for us as we will need your donations when we do reopen. We also will welcome and financial donations you are willing to send us. Your checks can be sent to :
Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet
500 Maiden Lane
Rochester, NY 14616
In the meantime we hope you stay safe and healthy!
We hope you are continuing to follow CDC guidelines and keeping yourself safe. At this time we would like to assist our sister organization the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf. They are continuing to assist those in the Greece and Charlotte area providing them with food. They are a true blessing to the Greece Community. They have been able to get some assistance with their distribution, but still could use some help. At this time, they could use your financial donation to assist in their mission. If you would like to make a donation, please send your checks made payable to the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf, 500 Maiden Lane, Rochester, NY 14616.
As we prepare for Holy Week let us continue to pray for those affected with COVID 19, the health care workers, and all those helping each other during this pandemic. God Bless you all and stay healthy!
01-Apr-2020 NEW PHONE NUMBER 585-397-2102
Our hope is you are safe and staying home. We now have a dedicated phone number for our Clothing Closet. The number is 585-397-2192. Feel free to call us if you are in need of assistance. In the meantime, continue to pray for the healing power of our Lord for all those affected by this disease, and thoses who are the front line workers during this crisis. God Bless You All!!
At this time, we are not accepting your clothing and bedding donations. We are asking you to save these donations for us for when we reopen at a later date. Those donations will certainly come in handy at a later date. Thank you for thinking of us and please stay healthy.
26-Mar-2020 Drivers Needed Greece Food Shelf
With the increase in requests for food during the coronavirus emergency, the Greece Ecumenical Food Shelf needs more volunteers to help deliver food. They deliver to those who lack transportation or are homebound in Greece and Charlotte. Delivers are made during the day and are " contactless". Drivers take food to the porch or door, but do not enter homes. If anyone is interested in learning more, please email them at gefoodshelf@gmail.com.
At this time, we are extending our closure notice of the Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet. At this time, we have no planned date when we are to reopen. As we all hunker down, let us remember all of those protecting us at this time. Also, at this time we are asking you store all of your donations at your home until we reopen. We will gladly take your donations at that time. If you have an emergency need for clothing, please call us at 585-397-2192. Thank you and stay safe.
In accordance with information received from the Health Department, beginning Saturday, March 14, 2020, we will be temporarily closed. We will reevalulate this decision in two weeks. This decision was made for the safety and well being of all our volunteers and clients. If you have an emergency need for clothing such as a fire and need clothing immediately please contact us at 585-397-2192 and we will make an appointment with you. We appreciated your understanding to our decision.
25-Feb-2020 Student Volunteer Hours
We are offering student volunteer service hours, Wednesday's ONLY. We are happy to accomodate you during the hours of 2:00pm to 6:00pm. You must set up your time will the Volunteer Coordinator , Diane Kozakiewicz via email at info@greececlothingcloset.org. Unfortunately, we will not offer any volunteer time after Wednesday, March 4, 2020, until April 29, 2020. We will resume service hours the Wednesday , May 6, 2020. Thank you for your interest.
07-Feb-2020 CLOSED FEBRUARY 7, 2020
06-Feb-2020 Great start to the new decade
We are off to a great 2020. We have seen an increase in our bedding and blanket donations. This is a welcome relief to many of our clients. Full and Queen Size Blankets seem to be the most popular. We are now planning on finishing the winter season and look forward to the spring time. Since February has a extra day this month we thought we would pass it onto you. Our extra shopping event will be Wednesday , February 19th from 3:30PM-6:00PM for an another time to shop. This event will help us get ready for the spring time. So even if you have been in to shop earlier in the month you will be able to participate. Also, if this is the first time this month you are in you will be able to come back and shop. This is a great deal for the short month of February.
Also we are looking for Greece students who need community service hours. At this time we have set up time on Wednesday afterschool. We have two shifts the first shift will be in the neighborhood of 2:15 PM - 4:15 PM and the other will be 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. If you are interested, please email us at info@greececloset.org.
30-Dec-2019 What a Year it has been
I wanted to close out the year with a message to all. Thank you God for all the Blessings we have received this year. It certainly has been a year to remember. Thank you to our dedicated volunteers who have kept us going all year long. Without you we could not continue to serve the community as we do. Thank you to all the donors and community support we have received all year long to continue our mission of serving others. Thank you to Gavin Watt our Eagle Scout who built us the beautiful shed to help with our space problem. The shed has allowed to store items that are donated for the proper season. It also allowed us to put on a first ever Christmas Boutique. This first time event serviced over 70 families with the Christmas Shopping. We hope to continue next year. Lastly thank you to the following Businesses for their donations and continued support, ESL Federal Credit Union, Fidelis Care, Wegmans, Family First of NY, GRB and Keller Williams Real Estate. It certainly has been a year to remember. Happy New Year to all! We will reopen on Monday, January 6, 2020.
19-Dec-2019 Thank you Lynn Dates from Keller Williams
Thank you Lynn Dates from Keller Williams Real Estate for organizing a pajama drive for us. Your donation this morning was a blessing as we were almost out. We especially needed larger size warm pajamas for older children. These will add warmth for the nighttime for many children in Greece. Thanks again we truly appreciate your generous donation.
11-Dec-2019 2019 Christmas Boutique
The first annual Christmas Boutique was a huge success. Thanks to the many volunteers, donations and sponsorship from Fidelis Care we were able to provide this event. The event was held from 4-7 pm on December 4, 2019. As our group of volunteers were getting last minute instructions on how we were going to handle the a large group of people in the store, people were starting to line up outside at 3 pm. The clients were let in 5 at a time to check in. We kept the crowd moving as to limit the number in the store.They received a coupon for 5 preset stations. They were allowed one item per child in the household. They went station to station to select books, toys, socks and hats, stuffed animals and stocking stuffers. By 5 pm we needed to reduce the number of items so that everyone could receive something. By 6pm the customers were pretty much gone. When the night was done we had provided 70 families and 161 toys to our clients. This certainly was well received with our clients and hope to do it again next year.
See images from the 2019 Christmas Boutique at Christmas 2019.
16-Nov-2019 Thank you Rochester Marriott
Thank you Rochester Marriott for your generous clothing donation to the Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet. Your donation will help many in our area. We appreciate all the employees of your company who took part in this clothing drive. God Bless you all!
11-Nov-2019 CLOSED Tuesday November 12
The Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet is CLOSED on Tuesday, November 12, because of the weather.
Sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.
28-Oct-2019 Save the Date - December 4, 2019
We will be having a special Christmas Shopping Event, on December 4, 2019. This ADULTS ONLY event for our Greece and Northwest Quadrant. Residents can come in and shop for their family. This is in addition to your regular monthly shopping. The time will be from 4-7 pm. If you have not been into our Clothing Closet you will have an opportunity to register at this time. Please bring your ID that shows your address. Some items will be limited per child/per family. More details to follow.
17-Oct-2019 Thank you Bob and Polly
Over the past weekend two generous volunteers spend their Columbus Day Weekend cleaning the floors of the Greece Clothing Closet. The floors look amazing! We are truly grateful to Bob and Polly McCubbins for their time and energy to spruce up the Clothing Closet. You are two of finest residents in the Town of Greece. Thank you again!
02-Oct-2019 Closed October 12th and 14th
We will be closed on Saturday , October 12, 2019 and Monday, October 14, 2019. Please note we are now open Wednesday two different times. First in the morning at 9:00 am to 11:00 am . Then we reopen at 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm.
21-Sep-2019 Closed on Thursday, September 26, 2019
26-Aug-2019 UR Student Volunteers
Several students from the University of Rochester volunteered at the Greece Ecumenical Clothing Closet today.
They performed a variety of chores such as washing the windows, cleaning the floors, sorting clothes, and removing old clothing. Our sincere thanks to these volunteers for their efforts!
We have had a busy summer. We have finally dedicated our new shed, built and donated with the help of Gavin Watt. This was a huge undertaking for an Eagle Scout project but one that was very much appreciated. We are now able to store off season items for future use. During these hot summer days we don't want to think of boots, winter jackets & hats and we now have the storage capability for them.
We have made lots of new relationships this summer to help us fullfil our mission. Thanks to ESL were able to purchase many items to help us keep this shed organized. Wegmans has assisted us with the bags we give to our clients, tape and cleaning supplies. Fidelis Care has been donated the school supplies for our back to school supplies. Bethany Church has donated much needed childrens underwear. This has been so exciting for us. A big shout out to our volunteers and community for keeping us growing and organized. We are so thankful and blessed for all of you!
Here is a picture of Gavin with GECC officers Micky Corsi, Diane Englert, and Diane Kozakiewicz, at the dedication of the new shed.
14-Jul-2019 New Shed Dedication
We will be dedicating our New Shed on July 19, 2019, between 3-5.
Please stop by and take a look, enjoy some cookies and punch, and meet Gavin. Gavin is the prospective Eagle Scout who is responsible for our having a new shed. He is a one in a million kid!
The new shed has been completed.
On Memorial Day weekend we were thrilled to have an Eagle Scout Project put up a new storage shed for us. The new shed will free up space inside the Clothing Closet which will make the Clothing Closet neater and cleaner.
See the New shed page for information on how the shed came to be.