Clients of the Clothing Closet

If you are a resident of Greece, NY or the northwest quadrant of Rochester, you qualify to be a client of the Greece Clothing Closet.

We register new clients on their first visit, and we update our client information each month.Here is what you should bring with you on your first visit so we can help you register.

  • Current Drivers License showing current address
  • If you do not have a Drivers License, bring something that lists your current address, such as a utlity bill.

We will ask you some questions such as whether there are children in your family, and their ages. We use information like this when our sponsors request that information in order to decide if they will donate to the GCC, and how much.



Shopping at the Clothing Closet

Once you are registered with the Greece Clothing Closet, you may shop with us once per month and will be asked to show identification every time you shop.   While pandemic restrictions have been lifted, we've found that, because our space is small, and we have more customers wanting to shop, there may be times when we still need to limit the number of shoppers in the space.   Also, there may be limitations on how many items you may pick out.